
We all know that regular visits to your dentist and oral health therapist are essential to maintaining good oral health, but what can you do at home to support the health and condition of your teeth and gums?

After all, it’s important to develop a routine to help you look after your teeth and mouth if you’re unable to attend a dental clinic so you can prevent the development of any oral health problems between visits.

The best way to avoid any issues is to maintain good oral hygiene at home. But brushing your teeth alone isn’t enough; it is only one of the many parts of an oral care routine, and your everyday habits can actually have an impact on your dental and your overall health.

Home Care for Your Oral Health

1. Brush your teeth properly.

Brushing may seem easy, but a lot of people still commit many common tooth brushing mistakes, such as scrubbing the teeth too hard, using hard-bristled or frayed brushes, brushing back and forth instead of up and down or circular stroke motions, and forgetting to brush the gum line. One of the proper tips for effective brushing includes waiting 15 to 20 minutes after a meal, so the saliva in your mouth can help remove the acid sitting in your mouth after eating.

woman brushing her teeth

2. Clean between teeth regularly.

Many people neglect to floss or use interdental brushes because of the notion that its only purpose is to dislodge those little pieces of food wedged in between your teeth. Flossing and brushing in between teeth is a fantastic way to stimulate the gums, reduce plaque and therefore bad-breath, and prevent gum diseases. It’s best to floss regularly always before brushing your teeth.

3. Eat a well-balanced diet.

Does it surprise you that your diet affects your oral health? It definitely plays a part in how to maintain good oral hygiene and in keeping your teeth healthy. Oral healthcare experts recommend eating a well-balanced diet which includes fresh, crunchy fruits and vegetables, which are high in fibre. Be mindful of the sugary snacks and drinks that you consume as the sugar turns into acid in the mouth, which in turn can erode the enamel of your teeth and lead to cavities. Acidic fruits, coffee, and tea can also be blamed for enamel erosion.

4. Drink more water.

Tap water is still the best beverage for your overall health by far and works wonders for your pearly whites. First off, oral healthcare experts recommend drinking water after every meal because it is an excellent mouth cleaner: it helps wash out some of the effects of food and drink residue in between brushes, especially from sticky and acidic meals. Not only that but drinking enough water helps you produce saliva at an optimal rate and prevent dry mouth. Saliva is essential as your mouth’s first defence against tooth decay.

Maintaining Good Oral Health

Maintaining good oral hygiene is actually maintaining what they call “infection control”. Many people have untreated gum infection which typically stems from an unhealed open wound, and these gum diseases, such as periodontitis, can impair how our body responds to infection, so it is crucial to stick to a complete oral care routine or see a dentist and oral health therapist whenever possible for proper care. They can give you tips and advice on how to properly manage your infection.

See your Oral Health Therapist

Once you are able to get time to go out, it is a good idea to have a check-up with your oral health therapist or see your dentist so they can spot any early signs of oral diseases, as well as help you with your personal oral health.