sustainable dentistry

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How to Effectively Recycle Your Dental Products

March 26th, 2020|Categories: Overall Wellbeing|Tags: |

While the majority of Australians have developed excellent habits in recycling household waste such as cans, plastic bottles and cardboard, there are still a lot of things that are thrown into the rubbish bin without much thought. What many [...]

Why Lifestyle Education is Good For You and The Planet

February 29th, 2020|Categories: Preventive Dentistry|Tags: |

At Coburg Hill Oral Care (CHOC), we are taking strides to offer a more responsible approach to dental care.  Our environment is continuing to suffer as a result of plastic waste and carbon emissions. In a recent guide, we [...]

We’re Cutting Back on Single-Use Plastics – Here’s Why

February 25th, 2020|Categories: General Dentistry|Tags: |

In an age where we are more conscious of our impact on the environment than ever, businesses are under pressure to rethink how they use materials.  Plastic, of course, is a significant concern. As dentists and oral health therapists, [...]

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