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Quality Food for Your Teeth and Dental Hygiene

You may be eating healthily in terms of a balanced diet, but how can you be sure that you are eating the best foods for your teeth? Some food and drink can have a detrimental effect on our teeth and gums. The bad food should be easy to spot! But what about those which can actually support good oral health and hygiene?

If you want to make sure you look after your teeth and gums well, you should, among other things, be picky about your diet. Here are a few great food choices which will help you maintain fantastic oral hygiene, and to stave off those toothaches!


An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what about dental practitioners? Apples are a great replacement for snack foods. That’s because eating apples can stimulate your saliva, which in turn will help to wash harmful bacteria out of the way of your teeth and gums. The more you salivate while eating, the healthier your mouth will be. However, always make sure you floss carefully after eating apples, as little bits can get caught and cause damage to your teeth and gums. And many apples can cause dental erosion and tooth decay since it contains natural sugars and food acids.

little girl biting red apple


Cheese is a good dietary choice in small amounts, and it’s also good food for teeth. That’s because it’s jam-packed full of calcium. Naturally, this is good news for fortifying your teeth, as well as bad news for bacteria and decay. Of course, you shouldn’t just be eating cheese for good dental hygiene! You should be seeing an oral health therapist and dentist regularly, too.

Nuts and Pulses

Some nuts, pulses and seeds are fantastic for good dental hygiene and health. That is not only thanks to the fact that they are naturally low in sugar, but also thanks to their high protein content. Almonds, in particular, are great tooth fortifiers. Try to avoid salted nuts such as peanuts and cashews, however. The right nuts and pulses make for a very healthy alternative to sugary snacks and goodies.

Leafy Green Vegetables

As always, anything leafy and green is going to be great for your health! Leafy vegetables such as spinach and cabbage are full of calcium, which will strengthen your teeth. What’s more, eating leafy greens will help you fight against plaque, and they will also help you build more saliva. As we’ve already discussed, this is incredibly important for dental hygiene and health.

More Than Just Diet

As any quality dentist and oral health therapist will tell you, you should do more than just rely on your diet to maintain good oral hygiene. Make sure to see a dentist and oral health therapist regularly, and, of course, brush your teeth and gums twice a day.

By maintaining excellent dental hygiene standards and eating food good for your teeth, you will be doing right by your oral health. Dental hygiene is crucial to keep cavities and painful oral problems at bay. Why not mix up your meals and check in with an oral health therapist for more advice?